Now with more lines
Quick Desksketch

Now adding background detail, right up to the point where I ran out of ink. Continue reading
Now adding background detail, right up to the point where I ran out of ink. Continue reading
The power was out, and there was not enough light to do a decent drawing, so have a bird sketched on an iPad. Continue reading
It is not actually a pile of tanks, it is a castle made out of tanks. Continue reading
Pencil sketch of a blue tongue, not much detail, and only done quickly. Continue reading
Most of this sketch has been done with the 0.18 Rotring pen, it does very small lines. Continue reading
Detail takes time, I got as far as one wing, and a few other small bits. Continue reading
From 0 to Scleromuchlus in just 20 minutes. Just for the record, while a Scleromochlus is an Archosaur, it is not a dinosaur. Continue reading
There is now more dragon detail. Continue reading