This amphibian, the Mastodonsaurus, is actually from the middle of the Triassic. I would argue that this is further proof of it’s awesome. It is just a shame I could have drawn it better.
This amphibian, the Mastodonsaurus, is actually from the middle of the Triassic. I would argue that this is further proof of it’s awesome. It is just a shame I could have drawn it better.
Do you do any science illustration? I have a friend in that field. This is clearly a quicker sketch, but you have way more knowledge of biology than me, for example.
If you’re interested, check out her website at She’s the president of the California Guild for Science Illustrators.
Also, check your deviant art mail. I finally noticed that you responded to my inquiry a month ago, and wrote you back. I totally want to hire you 🙂
Thanks, her site looks cool. I have also responded to your email.