More Owl
Quick Desksketch

The owl continues. I need to look at deepening the shadows more, and start on the tail next. Continue reading
The owl continues. I need to look at deepening the shadows more, and start on the tail next. Continue reading
This is an owl, it is the same one from yesterday. I think it looks hungry. Continue reading
This is the owl, this will take a lot of ink to finish. There are. lot of feathers. Continue reading
I forgot to get more ink over the weekend, so the owl will have to wait. Until then, have a mech. Continue reading
I will need to get more ink for my pens I think. This one needs more detail. The light was not so good today either. Continue reading
See, I totally did too. There is the bird in question. Continue reading
I think I am done with this one for now. Continue reading
Look I have cake. Continue reading