Woolly Rhino Mocks You
Scanned Desksketch

The Wooly Rhino is justified in mocking your lack of resilience to the cold. Continue reading
The Wooly Rhino is justified in mocking your lack of resilience to the cold. Continue reading
It is a shark, and not a dinosaur drawn using an iPad. Though I am sure that will return shortly. Continue reading
Pegicorns are at a disadvantage when pitted against attack helicopters. Continue reading
Now with more of whatever it was it had last time. Continue reading
An interesting point to consider is that extant dinosaurs rarely have much variation in scale colour on their feet. Continue reading
A quick pencil Linhenykus, a small and rather extinct Alvarezsaurid, a type of theropod dinosaur. This one came from Mongolia, sometime in the late Cretaceous. Continue reading
This is taking a while, so going forward, I will try to break up the constant work in progress images from this drawing with other pieces. Continue reading
A very quick jet pack penguin. Kind of inspired by the swarms of jet powered web spam penguins that are causing everyone online so many problems. Isn’t that how it works? Continue reading