Calling it done
Quick Desksketch

Calling the Ceratosaurus Nasicornis done for now. There are a number things about it that could be improved, but at this point, starting a new version would probably be better.
Calling the Ceratosaurus Nasicornis done for now. There are a number things about it that could be improved, but at this point, starting a new version would probably be better.
iPad High Five, one of the more expensive high fives available, and usually only initiated between business people attending meetings where they find they are the only two whomhave bought iPads with them. There are issues with attempting to iPad … Continue reading
Today I added more detail around the mouth and forelimbs. The interesting thing about this sketch is how much time doing detail for a coloured illustration can take.
It is a shark, and not a dinosaur drawn using an iPad. Though I am sure that will return shortly. Continue reading
Now with more of whatever it was it had last time. Continue reading
An interesting point to consider is that extant dinosaurs rarely have much variation in scale colour on their feet. Continue reading
This is taking a while, so going forward, I will try to break up the constant work in progress images from this drawing with other pieces. Continue reading
A very quick jet pack penguin. Kind of inspired by the swarms of jet powered web spam penguins that are causing everyone online so many problems. Isn’t that how it works? Continue reading