Rocket Punk Space Cat
Scanned Desksketch

A very very Rocket Punk Space Cat with a group of fairly rocket punk-ish sidekicks. In part this is inspired by mid twentieth science fiction art. Continue reading
A very very Rocket Punk Space Cat with a group of fairly rocket punk-ish sidekicks. In part this is inspired by mid twentieth science fiction art. Continue reading
I am sure it made sense to the guy who asked me to draw this. Continue reading
I am fairly certain that at the time I had no idea what I was going to draw when I started this one. Continue reading
Almost done with space cat and friends. I did miss a few tropes, such as alien rain forest, swords in space, robots, and I am sure there are others I did not list. Continue reading
Almost done with the cat that is in space with other cats. Continue reading
Space cat, now with a badly drawn prehistoric creature in the background. There are still scifi tropes left untouched, but I doubt I could fit them all in. Continue reading
Far better than yesterday’s selection of space cats. This one might even be worth going over in pen for scanning and colouring. Continue reading
Space cats, I blame this one on twitter. As for the less than awesome appearance of some of the cats, I can only blame that on me. Continue reading