T-Rex on a Shirt
Coloured Desksketch

Following on from this deadlifting Tyrannosaur the powerlifting club I train at has decided to produce a number of shirts with a simular design. Continue reading
Following on from this deadlifting Tyrannosaur the powerlifting club I train at has decided to produce a number of shirts with a simular design. Continue reading
Finally finished with this Tyrannosaurus. Now I can draw something else. Like a robot, or a pegicorn. Continue reading
Here is the first version of the deadlifting T-Rex. The whole idea was the result of a conversation with someone I train with. Continue reading
Once it is complete, it can join all the other draws on this theme, mocking one of this planets mega fauna predators for its short arms. Continue reading
Now that the line work is done, it is time to add more detail. In this case, more detail means stippling. Continue reading