Building better feet
Quick Desksketch
An interesting point to consider is that extant dinosaurs rarely have much variation in scale colour on their feet. Continue reading
An interesting point to consider is that extant dinosaurs rarely have much variation in scale colour on their feet. Continue reading
A quick pencil Linhenykus, a small and rather extinct Alvarezsaurid, a type of theropod dinosaur. This one came from Mongolia, sometime in the late Cretaceous. Continue reading
This is taking a while, so going forward, I will try to break up the constant work in progress images from this drawing with other pieces. Continue reading
Time for a redo of the digits Continue reading
Among the many things that could be done better, the limbs, especially the parts circled above, certainly could do with more work. Continue reading
Now there are more details, even claws. Continue reading
And still, it continues. Mostly because I really need the practice. Continue reading
Further work, this time on the rest of the Ceratosaurus. Continue reading