Yet another Amphibian
Scanned Desksketch

This amphibian, the Mastodonsaurus, is actually from the middle of the Triassic. I would argue that this is further proof of it’s awesome. Continue reading
This amphibian, the Mastodonsaurus, is actually from the middle of the Triassic. I would argue that this is further proof of it’s awesome. Continue reading
A pair of Salamanders on a log. That is all. Continue reading
This is very close to my favourite drawing at the moment. I did it a while ago now, and it was the first thing I drew after I got the use of my right arm back. Continue reading
It is a very cool fossil, and sketching it by hand in pen does mean you can’t make all that many mistakes. Continue reading
Finishing off the series of scanned amphibian sketches with a Pederpes from the Carboniferous. Continue reading
Another extinct amphibian. Who knew that there were so many of them? Continue reading
The Carboniferous is awesome, but I am sure you havn’t heard of it. Continue reading
There are some rather odd extinct amphibians around, or rather, not. Continue reading